Monday, September 29, 2008

The journey to Machu Picchu

We just finished a four day mountain biking/hiking trip starting on the bikes outside of Cuzco and ending at Machu Picchu. We were accompanied by an American couple, an Australian, and our guide Percy. It was an "adventure alternative" to the classic Inca Trail hike that you can take to Machu Picchu. The bike was 90 kilometers of downhill zooming (starting at 14,000 foot elevation and ending at 4,000) through streams and down very bumpy dirt/rock roads (and around mountain rockslides), and we hiked about 27 kilometers between days 2 and 3. Day 3 was about 8 kilometers straight uphill (with backpacks). It was HARD. We are still aching, and I (Krista) am still scratching the estimated 150 bug bites I got on the hike, primarily while unadvisedly sitting in a swimsuit without any bug spray on my bottom at the hot springs at the end of day 2. This photo shows our departure, when we are fresh, cold, spry, and not itchy. Note our little friend who wanted in on the picture. Note also that its about 30 to 40 degrees out and she is in sandles. Hearty Andean folk!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds awesome, we did a mountain bike tour in Hawaii that was all downhill, the only way I like to bike :). Stay safe!