Saturday, October 11, 2008

Adios to South America

After Mendoza, we spent a few days in Santiago, which was a pretty nice city, lots of art in the parks, nice weather...and stayed at the world´s most awesome youth hostel, which had cable TV in our room, a most serious and unheard of perk for a hostel. After Santiago, we headed up into the Andes for some outdoor adventure. We rode horses...which I was not terribly excited to do, and was even less excited as we headed down an extremely steep path with Jeff´s old horse skidding and slipping ahead of me. We also went whitewater rafting, on a river formed by snowmelt from the Andes. It was probably less than 60 degrees outside, but the water was WAY colder...and we got plenty of it on us, though nobody went in. After a month, we have to say adios to South America, and kiss our last time speaking the native language goodbye. Jeff tried out a few Turkish phrases and it was pitiful! We´re taking off on our longest flight leg of the trip, Santiago to Madrid to Istanbul...about 16 total hours in the air. See you in Turkey!

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