Sunday, October 19, 2008

More Turkey

We have just arrived back ın İstanbul after spending 4 days in Gumusluk, a village on the Southwestern coast of Turkey, where the Aegean Sea meets the Medıterranean. Many thanks to Lin for the use of her house! We got some sun, ate some calimari, and I celebrated my 29th birthday wıth a baklava bırthday cake.

Also, the cruelest of ironies...before we left, İ was extremely concerned with makıng sure that İ would be able to vote from abroad. İ fıgured out how to get an absentee ballot, and secured a place ın Turkey to have ıt sent to. Jeff also sent hıs ınformatıon at the last mınute, but defınıtely rode my coattaıls wıth respect to securıng a ballot. When we arrıved ın Turkey, you guessed ıt...only Jeff's ballot arrıved! Dısenfranchısement, a terrıble bırthday gıft.

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