Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Photos will come later, as this computer is uncooperative. We arrived in Cairo last night. It is insane. We wandered around today, dodging traffic (very literally...we saw more than one donkey cart trying to hang with the lane-less traffic on the highways, which was pretty impressive and very dangerous!) and getting dusty. According to our guidebook, a day in the Cairo pollution is like smoking 30 cigarettes. I am not sure if that is true but it was pretty hazy. We wandered to an old fortress, where we were quite the attraction for the local school kids, who each wanted a photo with us. Meaning...they asked us to take one with them. So the tables were turned and Jeff and I are now the stars of about 30 kids' camera phones. We are not sure why we were such an odd sight in a city with a lot of tourists...although we actually did not see many other t. In the afternoon, we wandered through the Islamic section of town, through crowded bazaars and narrow streets. It was pretty sweaty, with long sleeves and pants and a head scarf (had I not worn one, I would have been the only woman without). We are off to see the pyramids at Giza tomorrow. In a car. A relief!

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